Friday, November 14, 2008

How Google Docs Changed My Life

Once upon a time, my human owner, merri 30, was a very disorganized and scatterbrained person. From what I've heard, I guess that's just the way that Ph.D. students are. (You should meet those other dodos on her research team.) But, wow, this girl was a mess. Forever, buried in paperwork. She'd be done with one 30-page draft of an article, and then another draft would arrive the next day. Her research notes were scattered from the floor to the ceiling. Her email box was always filled to the brim. I thought I was doomed to 4 years of being awakened from my afternoon naps by the sounds of her cursing the world when she couldn't find her papers. 4 long years of my beautiful, impeccably clean tank being surrounded by mounds of paper all over the floor. 4 years of neglect as she gave her life away to paperwork (instead of little ole me). That's no way for a turtle to live, trust me.

The day my human owner discovered Google Docs was one of the greatest days of my life.
Finally, less disorganization and stress.
(Translation: more turtle zen moments for me)
Now that she and those bozos on her team have worked out this system for posting their fieldnotes each week and responding to each other online, there's no more mass printing. She's no longer glued to her email or in a panic to move things out of her inbox. She knows where to find all her papers. No more cursing. No more scatterbrainedness. Which means she can now focus on the more important things in life. Such as:
  • Taking time to tickle my neck.
  • Finding me the yummiest crickets and treats at the pet store
  • Giving me my shots, cream, and betadine soaks as I recover from my latest illness
  • Keeping my tank in pristine condition

So, thank you, Google! You rock!

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